Our free business consultation is available to all small businesses. During this risk free consultation we will discuss your business plan, your challenges, where you want to be and other aspects of your business that will help our team get an understanding of your business. We will discuss potential plans and verify we will be a good fit for your business growth. This free consultation will be 1 hour and give you a chance to speak to, brainstorm and ask questions of our business expert.
Refine Business Plan
Financial Services
Business Development/ Sales
Human Resources
Marketing Team
Legal Team
Community Outreach
Market Penetration
Training and Education
Talent Aquistion
Business Administrative
SEO Optimization
Website Designs
Increase Customers
Increase Cash Flow
Grow your Business
Yes Empower Oklahoma has a range of business consulting options to meet the needs of your business. Whether you are looking at decreasing your time in the business, increase your marketshare or birth a startup we are here to help. Contact one of our growth consultants today!
Empower Oklahoma utilizes grants and our grant writers to help our business gain any additional funding feasible. Empower Oklahoma is partnered with many communities and organizations offering grants to Oklahoma startups. Empower Oklahoma also offers limited grants for Oklahoma small businesses. Give us a call today to see if you can qualify.
This question can be answered during our free business consultation. Empower Oklahoma has a team of specialists able to help your business but until the consultation, we do not know where the highest growth potential is for your business.
Empower Oklahoma believes in both a healthy work and personal life balance. When our growth team begins defining your business plan, business goals and personal goals we will outline a clear path to successfully reach this balance and meet your workload desires. A business owner should own the business but not let the business own them. Schedule a free business consultation and we can help.
There are many factors to take into account when making the decision to launch your own company. Empower Oklahoma has helped many entrepreneurs take that next step for a successful company launch. Empower Oklahoma offers limited grants specifically for Oklahoma startups. Reach out to one of our startup consultants for a free consultation.
Empower Oklahoma is dedicated to serving small businesses (if you are a large or medium size business please see our parent company at BARCHEE.COM). We have an array of plans to make it feasible for all small businesses. After you complete your FREE small business consultation you will be presented with the plans available to your business. There is a no contract obligation with our consulting plans and other plans offer a guarantee of our success or you pay nothing. Empower OK has the goal of helping your business succeed by removing any financial risk from the business owner; we do not get paid unless we provide results. Now that you know there is no risk for your business give us a call today!
Empower Oklahoma has a variety of plans available to meet your business needs. Empower Oklahoma has a grant program which essentially removes the initial cost associated with utilizing our services until our tangible goals are met. Essentially the guarantee allows the business to work with our specialized team knowing that if we do not increase your business then you owe us nothing. This removes any barrier or excuse for a business not to grow. Give us a call today to meet a growth consultant.
EmpowerOK has a few different plans and the free business consultation is free and available to all businesses. The consulting option has a maximum capacity of businesses per year before a waiting list is formed. It is not as much an application process but a process of making sure the EmpowerOK team is going to be a valuable consultant to meet your business needs. Our number one goal is always our clients and we would not take on a client we didn’t think we could bring value. The EmpowerOK guarantee plan only accepts a limited number of businesses per year into the program. There is an application process with this plan to ensure it meets the grant requirements.
Give us a call today to schedule your free business consultation!
Empower Oklahoma has a Human Resources team that is able to help with your employment/ HR needs.
Empower Oklahoma offers many different ways to take advantage of your free business consultation.
- Our Office
- On-Site: Our account managers are available to visit you at your location to provide the free business consultation.
- Video Conferencing: We utilize video platforms to provide remote, high level consultations.
- Phone: We can setup a phone call to provide your free business consultation.
- Email: Although email will be utilized for communication we do not allow this for the free business consultation. Email simply does not allow us to provide a high level consultation.